Option Form

To take an option on a particular week please complete the form below and then click the submit button. An email confirmation will then be sent to you.


First name

Last name

Telephone Number

We will use this address to contact you regarding your option.

Week Commencing:

Adults (12 and over):

Children (3 and over, under 12):

Infants (under 3):

 Sign up for newsletter ?

If ticked, your email address will be added to our mailing-list to receive occasional mailings. If you are a new customer, you will also be sent a further email to confirm your email address.

By clicking submit, I understand that submission of this form does not guarantee the option will be placed or that the chalet is available. I further understand that the option will expire at the end of 5 days, but that it may be extended for a further 3 days if necessary.